Make sure your customers never miss a response from you and reduce ticket solution times.

With EmailTracking you can verify if replies from your help desk are being read by your customers. Sometimes email servers fail, email accounts run out of space, emails don’t arrive or your customer simply skips your message, don’t let this situations affect your service level and reputation. Take action when a customer doesn’t follow up with you and ensure your customer service level is always as its best.

Find out what people are saying about EmailTracking at the Kayako forums:



  • Requires ionCube Loader version 3.3.18+.
  • Only available for the download/self-hosted version of Kayako Resolve/Fusion.
  • Compatible with Kayako 4.60 and newer.

When you purchase any of our products you automatically obtain 1 month of free support after deployment. We do not provide free upgrades of the modifications/custom modules to higher/lower versions of Kayako than the version you ordered from us initially. After that period if Kayako version of the customer has been upgraded you can order an upgrade our modification.The fee is 20% of the initial price. Please note: the minimal upgrading cost is 75 USD.

Also we should note that our guarantee is only applicable to the solution delivered by Dewak, where no further changes were made by any 3rd party or customers themselves.

Send & Track button.

Choose which replies are important and send them with a read confirmation.

Verify replies.

You can check if replies were read and also when.

You can find a live demo of EmailTracking at the following URL:

Staff CP
User: admin
Password: abc123